Team Coaching


What do you, your people and organization get from team Coaching?
Teams are not only individuals combined. They are a dynamic, driven system – aiming towards success and rewards, or failure and recriminations. Which way are your teams pointing, and what can you do to change that?

Teams do not fade and fail overnight; nor do they revitalize as quickly. Working from a whole-system perspective, team goals, roles and individual accountability are refreshed. Unspoken stresses do surface, but are released, as individual competencies and congruency are increased. Relationships are (re) formed, and over time reinforced, because we use a simple, strong action plan to keep changes on track and results on time.

Teams exist to produce results. More specifically, teams exist to produce intented business results that align with the company’s strategic goals. Research shows that the most successful teams take action and build effective relationships that motivate and sustain the intended business results.

The Team Diagnostic Assessment measures key success factors that optimize Productivity and promote Positivity, and the Team Diagnostic Model reveals where the team is operating on these two axes. When teams operate outside of the High Productivity/High Positivity quadrant, the unintended results are time/cost/quality constraints, relationship issues, and turnover which have a direct negative impact to the intended business results and ultimately the bottom line.


Graphics, text, descriptions and Team Diagnostic Assessment™ © 2011 are used with the authorization of Team Coaching International.


This work enabled strategic thinking, a conscious awareness making team cohesion and establishment of a comprehensive action plan possible. As the leader, I note that the members of my team are now acting in a different way by working more collaboratively, and that the work-climate has improved our ability to hold s more effective interactions.

- Director General, Government of Canada